TQI issues a range of digital credentials. Badges are awarded to teachers who have been certified at the Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher career stages.

From 2024 TQI ceased issuing plastic registration cards, in lieu of digital registration credentials. We issue credentials to support the different levels of registration, alternative approval to teach, as well as pre-service teacher approval.

Obtaining your digital credential

When you are allocated a digital credential, you will receive an email at your registered email address from our providers Learning Vault. The email contains links to add your badge or digital card to your Apple or Google Wallet as well as further instructions on how to access your Learning Vault Skills Wallet via their self-service portal.

The easiest way to get your credential is to open the email on your Apple or Android device and click on the relevant link.

If you do not have access to your email on your phone

You can also access your credential via any web browser through the Learning Vault Skills Wallet.

  1. Click this link
  2. Click on the Sign up for a personal account button
    screenshot of Learning Vault sign-up form
  3. Enter the basic information requested and click on the button labelled Register.
    screenshot of learning vault basic info form
  4. An email will be sent to the email address you have used to sign up with
    screenshot of check your email message
  5. Go to your nominated email account and find the latest email from Learning Vault. Click on the button labelled Confirm your email
    screenshot of confirm your email
  6. Click on the Back to home button to return to the Learning Vault login screen
    screenshot showing email confirmation complete
  7. Sign-in to your account using the credentials you have just entered.
    screenshot of the Learning Vault sign in screen